Sunday, November 27, 2011

self-publishing, traditionial publishing, Bandit, blog about publishing

Hi, I know it’s been awhile since I wrote, I’ve been too busy trying to catch up on everything but I recently went to Alan Rinzler’s blog and found a lot of interesting articles about writing and publishing. One of the articles that peeked my interest was the article on writing short stories exclusively for Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Noble NOOK. I have been thinking about writing a short story exclusively for Amazon Kindle and other devices so that I could market it on facebook, twitter, you tube and finally my blog. I’ve been thinking about doing a short Christmas story with the same characters in from the first book in my book series ‘Bandit’ so that people could read it and if they enjoy the short story, maybe they will be able to tell the literary agent or publisher to read more of my work. Who knows? It’s something to consider right?

Another thing I’m thinking about considering but will probably not jump into it right away is self-publishing. Of course, my biggest dream in the whole wide world would be if I could get a literary agent, rewrite my manuscript to it’s fullest potential, get a publisher, do more rewrites, sign a contract, get my first advance, more rewrites, get the second and third cut of my advance, use that advance to promote my work, pay off some of my loans, write the second and third book of my series (rewrites included) and then get another contract for three more books with the secondary characters I’ve introduced in the first book of my novel.

Not so much in that order of course.

But since I have a backup plan in the works in case my dreams of being a published author with a traditional publisher doesn’t come out the way I planned, I’ve decided that if I don’t go anywhere with traditional publishing realm that I could save up some money from my second job as a special education teacher to self-publish my book and promote my novel myself so that whatever amount of books I sell, I’ll be able to keep the money myself instead of sharing it with other parties. I think that would be pretty cool right?

Either way it goes, I’m not giving up on my writing dream… not now, not ever.

Well, I don’t know about you guys but I had a wonderful thanksgiving. I caught up on some things, relaxed a little bit, Thought of some new ways to promote my work…but I have to admit that I’m enjoying sitting at home and writing all the time instead of going to school, coming home, and having to write homework…


The good news is that the fall semester is almost over and I’ll be able to enjoy Christmas by catching up on some things like finishing up the second outline of my next manuscript for the Truson S.E.T. series, practicing my math skills to pass an exam I have to take in order to get into graduate school, and just working on my writing altogether.

But first, I have to get through these last two weeks of the semester than I’m home free…
