Sunday, March 21, 2010

Back on Track with my goals on what I want to do


I'm officially back on track with my manuscript 'Addicted' after a temporary setback. I have so many ideas on what I want to do with my writing that I'm going in many different directions. But I'm sticking to the story I have now and there's no turning back. I'm up to the part where my characters are in the junior part of high school and how everything's about to change because of it (including the relationship with Barnard and Yvonne - two of the main characters in the novel). Anyways, gotta go. Don't know when I'll be back writing this blog again because I need to focus more on my writing and less on blogging. See Ya.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Still writing 'Addicted', didn't win YA discovery contest

Sorry about the delay. I've been busy lately. I went to a party for my aunt. Got distracted by other things that goes on in my everyday life. I'm still writing 'Addicted' even though I was supposed to be finished with it back in Februrary. Maybe March will be better. Oh, didn't win the YA discovery contest. I Wasn't even in the top twenty but that's okay. It's for the best. I think that my new YA novel is better than The electric eel Bandit. After I'm halfway finished with Addicted, I'm going to rewrite The eletric eel bandit again. Sorry I'm not so happy and gullible today, I guess I'm a little tired.

See ya next week.